
Is Sitting Killing Me?

sitting pain

You might already know that sitting for several hours a day is terrible for your health. Sedentary people are at higher risk for heart disease, obesity, various cancers, and much more. The exact amount of time that people should sit each day varies from study to study. If you sit at least three hours a day, you can expect your lifespan to decrease by two years. If you watch TV for at least two hours a day, you can say goodbye to another 1.4 years. That’s a lot of time! People should sit for less than 60% of their day — about nine hours for most people.

Sitting for long periods of time is dangerous, regardless if you exercise or not. That makes office jobs especially deadly as workers tend to sit for eight hours a day. The question you are probably asking yourself right now is: “Is sitting killing me?”

There are many ways to track how often you sit. A calculator from will give you a rough estimate. However, if you’d like to invest in something fancier, devices like an Apple Watch, Samsung Galaxy Watch and Fitbit will help. Try to aim for about four hours or less. 

If you are at high risk for “sitting disease,” it is time to make some habit changes. Take breaks to get up and walk. Invest in an ergonomic chair or another handy device. Perhaps set the alarm to beep at specified intervals to alert you when to get up. If anything, be mindful of how often you’re sitting. If you’re working, watching television, or riding the bus, try standing for a bit. Remember that every little bit helps you on your path to a longer, healthier, and happier life. 

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